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Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Update!

So much has happened in the last week!  Amazing things, small things...and great things.

Major purchases include a 10x10 canopy tent, 2 6 foot tables, and table cloths.  I also picked up some uber cute tear drop stickers for price tags.  Martha Stewart, seriously...too cute!

I am so excited about my little card holders coming from *byKsenia that should be arriving later this week. Check out my last Monday Update! to see how cute they are.  I plan to use them as little signs to tell people little thoughts like, "Local Nashville Wax" or "All Natural Beeswax."  It is super cute in my mind, just have to transfer it.  Maybe next time I can take a photo of a candle in action to give people an idea what it might look like in their home, but that will have to wait till next time...

I also announced that I have to raise prices slightly after re-evaluating my spreadsheets.  The new prices should go in effect Friday, so place an order now to save a little money.

AND!!!  My new favorite person Angie, opened her barn to me last Thursday.  She is a collector of all things vintage and rust.  After giving me a tour of her microfarm, which I will blog all about Thursday, we went through her pieces to pick out fun things to use for table-scaping for my upcoming show THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!!!  (I am so nervous and excited!!)  She is such a blessing!  I never could have found so many unique, rusty, quirky, things to use without her help.  We loaded up as much as my SUV would hold...and she is already planning out what I should use next time.  I love how so many people are helping me in this journey!  Hopefully I can pay it forward.

Besides all these great happenings.  God answered a huge prayer for our little family.  May 7th is the day I met my husband four years ago, the day I married him almost a year ago, and this year the day we get to start a new journey together with a new job.  We plan to buy lotto tickets for May 7th since it is made of magic.

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