I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post...sigh!
Things have been quite busy here outside of HHB. I am half way through my class and so far I have a solid A. I plan on applying for the GRE next week and sending out applications shortly. Big life decisions are finally coming together. I also have been working on getting more experience in pediatrics which is so draining.
The Body Butter had to go on a slight hold since my seasonal allergies completely destroyed any sense of smell I had from August to October. The good news is that my smell is back and the body butter is made!!
I hope to have a photo shoot next weekend for the Body Butter. And I am so excited about this shoot! Why? Because my loving husband surprised me with a camera stand!!! I have a little trouble taking photos because I shake a little....and most of the photos come out a bit blurry. But I think the stand will make them more professional!!
Also this past Saturday we were at the Chatty Crafty Fall Street Fair. So many amazing artists from Nashville to Atalanta came. I shared a booth with the amazing watercolor artist byKsenia. Hands down it was the COLDEST festival I have ever done!
Here are some photos of our booth!